The definition of Akashic Records that is available on the internet just hasn’t resonated with me for a while. When asked about what it is, for a long time, I could not give a short and simple answer. And guess what, being in Akashic Records is my everyday thing. I know it, I feel it, I work in it, I help people access it. So I did what only seemed appropriate. I asked Akashic Records how would they explain it. Here is the message I received.
"First imagine a vail surrounding Earth. Receiving access to Akashic Records it’s like creating an opening, a tunnel that accesses other realms and higher consciousness. This is consciousness itself. It’s a living organism. You call it higher consciousness but it is so much more. "
The old school definition you will see everywhere is space, where all information is stored in a vibrational form. That was very simplified explanation for people so that they get some understanding. But we live in new times and an upgraded version is available for humanity to start comprehending and understanding this better.
Accessing Akashic Records is a way for your consciousness to access its full capacity. We are all connected on this consciousness level. For most people on intellectual level it is hard to even comprehend the vastness of forms, beings connected to it. Again, all this is limited by the scarcity of language.
This access is actually entering normal reality. You are used to very limited perception. This is more accurate. This is a field of consciousness everyone is connected to.
On this level your soul exists. But what is really soul? Again, it is something you would call energy form or consciousness form. It travels through this place. But remember there is no time and space. When you access it, you finally start connecting to your true multidimensional human nature. Start perceiving yourself as pure consciousness. Your body is like physical cover. But an important one!
Access to Akashic Records gives you access to your true nature. You start seeing yourself. And people crave it. It is funny how limited you see yourself.
It is okay to ask simple, third dimensional earthly questions. It helps you navigate the level you are at. But the true goal of Akashic Records is to FEEL their real nature. When you connect to it, you finally FEEL your nature. This is what AWAKENing is. This is remembering YOUR TRUE NATURE. This is what you have to do if you want to move forward as humanity. That is your GOAL.
Conscious creation is tapping into this. It is about seeing who you are in this other realm, in order to bring that greatness to your body and create this on physical level”.
Akashic Records Readings
For most people, the natural first step in connecting to their Higher Consciousness is doing that through an experienced reader like me. You probably struggle with a big topic, maybe there is a major financial, relationship, health block or maybe you just feel lost in life. A lot of people who come to me are looking to find some bigger meaning, find purpose or their mission in life. You probably reached a moment when life really pushed you to a limit so there is no longer any space to ignore the symptoms. We connect to your Higher Self for guidance, energy clearing, to unlock your potential, clear blockages and give you guidance how to quantum leap to a new freedom based reality.
Learn to Access Akashic Records - 3 day intensive workshop
This workshop is for people ready to go deeper in their spiritual journey. Through this experience you develop direct connection to your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Higher Consciousness. This gives you direct guidance in your everyday life. Your intuition is turned up to the maximum and you start to perceive the reality through a new way of understanding. This is absolutely life-changing experience, after which nothing is the same.
I was taught to access Akashic Records through Pathway Prayer. It is a special prayer that works like any other mantra, prayer or vibrational sound frequency. It aligns you with the right frequency, in this case other realms. It is the easiest formal way to teach and to learn to access Akashic Records.
With time and experience, it is possible to just “be” in that space. But at the beginning for less experienced people I recommend accessing it through more “official” way.
Currently, I feel like I am constantly connected and just allow for the downloads and consciousness to come down to my body and my mind. The only rule that I always follow is that I only access other’s people Records upon their permission. Never, ever access anybodies records without official permission.
This describes the technical aspect of the process. There are many different other element like for instance how to differentiate between the voice of your mind and the voice of your Higher Self. Or how to know “who” is exactly talking to us, how to ask good questions, and many, many others. In truth, the best part begins once we get official access and start to play around how to use this guidance to create our dream reality.
With time and my experience I have noticed that the way I conduct sessions slightly evolved and changed. I will begin answering this question by saying that we currently we live in very unique times. Earth is undergoing the biggest shift (exceptional phenomenon even in the whole Universe) where we go from 3 Dimentional Reality to 5 Dimentional reality. What does it mean and why should be care? The The vibration of Earth is changing and every one of us is pushed to get out of this lower density and evolve to higher consciousness. This process is about ending karmic cycles, breaking generational, lifetime cycles that kept you in the same loop. Furthermore, we are pushed to connect to our Spirit, start listening to our soul and start leading from that heart space. This whole process may seem simple in theory but in practice it might be challenging for many and we might need some help in navigating this evolution.
And here enters Akashic Records. It’s basically like listening to your Spirit to tell you what is the best and easiest way to dissolve any issues, blocks, lows you may be experiencing and how to connect to your multidimensional nature to start to consciously create your dream reality. We have so much power, but for many reasons we believed to be small, limited and for many it is hard to connect to their limitless potential.
It is one thing to listen about it, and whole other story to FEEL IT. And being in Akashic Records is about feeling it in your own body. So in short this is what we do in my sessions. 😛
By definition YES! As mentioned before, we access Akashic Records through Pathway Prayer. Words of the Prayer ask Source for protection and connection to Pure Light. In addition, we ask Pure Light Beings, Ascended Masters and our Spirit to be direct messenger and pass on information to us.
Akashic Records is about accessing other realms. What is important is that there are all form and beings live in other dimensions, both Dark and Light Energy. By definition, when accessing Akashic Records through Prayer you ask to connect ONLY to Your Higher Consciousness, Source Energy and Light Beings.
There are many other ways to go “out there”, to other states of consciousness like for example through psychedelics or through experience like astral traveling. The main issue is that, yes, indeed, you travel. But for most humans, it is still beyond any conscious process, you go and travel understanding maybe 1 or 2% of the whole process. There are many entitles and all sorts of energies out there and let’s just say you may come back with invisible friends connected to you and your free will.
It is not about creating fear. It is about creating consciousness. Most humans have huge yearning to access other realms and it is absolutely natural. That is where our true nature, huge power and potential live. No wander we want to escape this density and hardship. What I will always advocate is about making this process safe and simple. There are no shortcuts in this process. So build and access new height of consciousness by staying in your current state of mind and by received new wisdom in the form of vibration in your body.
Źyjemy w Polsce, więc rozumiem, że wiara kolektywnie jest czymś bardzo istotnym. Mam duży szacunek do indywidualnych wyborów każdej istoty. Każdy z nas ma wolną wolę.
To co mogę powiedzieć to, że uczyłam osoby wierzące wchodzić do Kronik Akaszy. To co usłyszałam po tych doświadczeniach to, że czują się bliżej Boga niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Tu nie ma pośredników, tu dostajemy bezpośrednie połączenie. Pracujemy w polu Miłości. 🙂 Łączym się ze swoją Duszą i czystym Światłem. Odkrywamy Boskość w sobie.
Poczuj Bliżej Kroniki Akaszy
Próba zrozumienia czym są Kroniki Akaszy to jedno, a doświadczenie mocy i energii Kronik to odrębna rzecz. Organizuje cykliczne spotkania online, podczas których robię krótkie darmowe odczyty. Są one wrzucane na Youtube tak, aby każdy mógł zobaczyć i poczuć jaki jest to rodzaj pracy.