
If you are looking for more daily inspiration and knowledge, come to my YouTube channel where I share all my insights. I’ve been doing Akashic Records readings for the last 3 years and over that period of time I saw that there are many common messages and wisdom that can benefit many and that I can share with wider audience. This wisdom is there to help you remember about your multidimensional nature and great power you hold. We live in the very exciting times and it’s time to start speaking up about our TRUE NATURE – WHO WE REALLY ARE.

My intention is that, the messages I share will help you connect with your inner superpowers so that you start consciously create your dream reality, find freedom and connect to GIGANTIC potential that awaits to be awakened. 

I started sharing my first thoughts about spiritually and personal development in Polish in my podcast called Prosto z Serca (Straight from my Heart). I believe that was just a runway to what was about to happen later. 

I am Polish, and Polish is my first language. I went to international middle school and high school and later moved to New York City to study at New York University. Like with any synchronicity I can see how that experience helped me fully sink in this language, to better think and communicate in English.

Fun fact about me is that, most of my downloads where coming to me in English. Half of my journals are in English and when it came to explaining spiritual concepts I always found it much easier to do in English. I always knew I will be sharing this wisdom in both languages but never fully knew how. Till recently 😉 

Fast forward to now, I am more then ecstatic to share my new content on YouTube.    

Enjoy my loves!

Sending lots of love,

Inga <3
